Our Strategy

HIV Ireland, is a voluntary non-governmental organisation which provides a range of services and supports to people living with HIV and which advocates on behalf of people with HIV. Formed in 1987, HIV Ireland has also developed programmes and initiatives around sexual health education and preventative strategies to reduce the contraction and transmission of HIV. Since its establishment HIV Ireland has consistently engaged in policy development and in lobbying and campaigning on issues around HIV, sexual health and the promotion of human rights and equality for people living with HIV. HIV Ireland has also been involved in programmes and strategies aimed at increasing public awareness and understanding about HIV – its causes, its consequences, and the stigma associated with HIV and AIDS.

HIV Ireland – Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025

Our Vision: An end to new HIV transmissions and HIV-related stigma and discrimination in Ireland.​

Our Mission: To prevent new HIV transmissions, combat stigma and discrimination, empower and support people impacted by HIV and raise awareness of HIV and related issues.​

GOAL 1: End HIV Transmissions in Ireland.​

We want to see meaningful progress towards ending new HIV transmissions in Ireland by 2030 in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Fast-Track Cities global initiative.

GOAL 2: Ending HIV-related Stigma and Discrimination

We want HIV-related stigma and discrimination to be eliminated in all its forms.

GOAL 3: Empowerment and Support

We want to see a society where people living with HIV and people vulnerable to acquiring HIV are empowered and supported to thrive and to live the lives they choose to live.

GOAL 4: Equality and Inclusion

We want to see an Ireland where people living with HIV and people vulnerable to acquiring HIV enjoy full equality and inclusion in society.

GOAL 5: Expertise and Leadership

We want to build our role as leaders and experts on HIV and HIV-related issues.

Please see our Full Plan here

HIV Ireland Strategic Plan 2022-2025

HIVIreland/ DAA STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2017

To view our previous plan click below

DAA Strategic Plan 2010-2012