As part of our participation in the EU co-funded ‘Joint Action on Improving Quality in HIV Prevention’, HIV Ireland attended this European conference in January – the concluding event of the Joint Quality Action Project, involving 45 partner organisations from 26 Member States
In 2014, HIV Ireland attended six days training and piloted the application of the Quality Action ‘Succeed‘ tool within our organisation to self-assess and improve the quality of one of our HIV prevention projects.
This conference provided the opportunity to take stock of the latest developments in improving quality in HIV prevention, and brought together representatives from governmental and non-governmental organisations to share their experiences in applying practical quality improvement tools.
Highlights of the conference included the launch of a new Charter for Quality in HIV Prevention as well as the presentation of the project’s Policy Kit with policy statements and strategic actions to support quality improvement in HIV prevention at national and regional levels.
Learn more about Quality Action: Improving HIV Prevention in Europe at

Some of the Irish contingent at the Quality Action Conference in Berlin, January 2016
L-R: Ann Mason (GOSHH) Billie (GOSHH), Susan Donlon (HIV Ireland), Catherine Kennedy (The Sexual Health Centre)